Another era of growth, as the neighborhoods turned over from one generation to the next. This time, "relocatable classrooms" (stubbornly called "trailers" by the PTA co-president) were in vogue. These were used rather than space from neighboring churches as in the past. In 1982, when Woodside closed and joined Woodlin at this site, there were six portable classrooms while a new five-classroom-plus-gym addition was built. It opened in 1984, with (at last) the enclosures between buildings that parents had requested for many years.
One year later, Woodlin had more portables. But the school had another 10-room addition, expanded library, a real heath room, and renovated office space and teacher's lounge.
More special services arrive; a counselor in 1986 and an environmental science "special program" which brought added resources and a new emphasis on science teaching. In 1989, the latest addition provided suitable classroom space for two special education classes. Also in 1989, an after-school childcare center was placed on Woodlin grounds, the culmination of several years' effort and much neighborhood discussion.
Computers began to appear in the school. And Woodlin adopted its present mascot, the Woodlin Wizard, designed by a student. In 1985, the last 6th grade graduated, as Sligo Middle School began.
Some memories from the '80s:
- The 1989 fire in the four-classroom portable unit. Reminiscent of Woodlin's past, there were again classes taught in the all-purpose room and lunch in the classroom daily for everyone.
- Parent/staff volleyball games.
- Parents painting the main hallway to match the '84 addition.
- The start of International Night dinners and return of Spring Fairs.
- Student talent/variety shows almost annually since 1984.
- An early-80s "walk-a-thon" in Sligo Park, a PTA fundraiser.