Immersion and Kindergarten Enrollment

For the 2025-2026 school year, Kindergarten registration will be online through the ParentVUE portal starting February 3rd.

Documentation needed for online enrollment:

1. Proof of Residency:

  • Homeowners: A copy of your current property tax bill.
  • Renters: A copy of your current rental lease. If the original term of the lease is expired, a copy of the lease and a current utility bill.
  • Shared Housing Residents: If living in shared housing with a homeowner or renter who has a bona fide residence within an MCPS school area:
          • Shared housing with a homeowner:  A completed, signed, and notarized Shared Housing Disclosure (MCPS Form 335-74), a copy of the current property tax bill of the homeowner, and two other supporting documents to demonstrate that the parent/guardian or eligible student is living at the address. The supporting documents must be in the name of the parent/guardian at the address shown on the Shared Housing Disclosure Form (see below for supporting document examples).
          • Shared housing with a renter: A completed, signed, and notarized Shared Housing Disclosure (MCPS Form 335-74), a copy of the rental lease and two other supporting documents to demonstrate that the parent/guardian or eligible student is living at the address. If the original term of the rental lease is expired, a copy of the lease and a current utility bill is required. The supporting documents must be in the name of the parent/guardian at the address shown on the Shared Housing Disclosure Form.

2. Health Forms:

  • Immunzation Certification : MDH Form 896
  • Physical Examination : MCPS Form: SR-6
  • Blood Lead Testing Certificate : DHMH Form: 46-20

3. Dental Form: MCPS Form 525-17

4. Birth certificate of student which identifies the parents

5. Parent Driver’s License

6. MCPS Form:   Form 345-17, Prekindergarten Experience

***All MCPS Forms can be accessed here.