Blake High School Economics Students played the Stock Market Game during the spring semester, from February 9 through April 16, 2004. Unfortunately, this was a time of decline for the stock market, and only two of the eight teams finished with any profit -- the others finished with varying degrees of debt, ranging from -$1400 to -$34,000.

As a culminating activity, each team created a PowerPoint presentation describing the game the way they played it. They were required to include the answers to these questions:

  • What is buying long? When would you want to do this?
  • What is selling short? When would you want to do this?
  • What did you do throughout the two months of the game? Use details about specific stocks - what did you buy and what happened to it? Then what did you do next?
  • Why did you make each of the decisions you made? Again, use details about specific stocks: Why did you buy each stock? Was it a good idea? Why or why not?
  • What did you learn from this experience, overall? If you could play again next year, what would you do the same and why? What would you do differently and why?

Click on the team below to see the PowerPoint presentation they did for the class. Good job to everyone!

Team 1

Ryan, Lori, Ashley, Kevin

Team 2

Ethan, Dan, Matt, Andrew

Team 3

Jodie, Zach, Jenna, Rachael, Marie

Team 4

Alpha, Liz, Amanda, Dawn

Team 5

Jeung Min, Rob, Hersh, Yetunde

Team 6

Chris C., G'Ra, Drew

Team 7

Desiree, Nichole, Connie, Brian

Team 8

Moon, Chris B., Ricardo, Max

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