Please view Principal Valentine's Weekly Digest for the week of March 16th
Important Information:
Click Here to view the Daily Announcements!
Click Here to Read the Latest Edition of the Blueprint, our newspaper!
Click the icons below to access class webpages:
Early Dismissal Process
Parents and caregivers, please provide a note to the attendance office on the morning of the day your child needs to leave early. This allows the attendance secretary and/or main office team to prepare a pass in advance, ensuring your student is released smoothly from class.
To minimize interruptions, we aim to reduce announcements for students to report to the office, especially during the lunch period. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us streamline the dismissal process!
PTSA, NAACP, and Booster Club Info
These worthy organizations support our school by providing resources, fundraising, and advocating for issues relevant to our families, school staff, and the greater community.
- The PTSA and NAACP Delegate work collaboratively to unite our community, parents, staff, and local businesses to support student achievement in all areas. The PTSA wants to recruit active parents and caregivers who will work to impact change, thereby creating the optimal school for students. Meetings occur at 6:30 PM every third Tuesday of the month. All are welcome! Click here to join the PTSA.
Transport, Parking, & Dismissal Updates
Bus Transportation
Routes for the 2024-2025 school year are here, Link to the Parent Letter, Bus Routes. and Departure Times
- It is essential for students, parents, and caregivers to be familiar with the MCPS Department of Transportation safety guidelines Ride by the Rules.
- Should students or families experience transportation concerns, please contact the Department of Transportation.
Student Parking Permits:
Parking permits are required beginning Sept 5, 2024:
- $78 for full year
- $39 for semester
- $26 for individual sports season
Please click here to access instructions and forms to request the student parking permit.
Student pick-up during dismissal:
- Parents and caregivers must pick up their students in the student parking lot
- Pull into a parking space, text your student the space number
- Traffic enters and exits one way.