Welcome to Watkins Mill Elementary School!
A proud MCPS Community School!
school hours
Office Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm
Student Arrival Time: 8:40am-9:00 am
Student Breakfast: 9:00am-9:15am
Student Dismissal Time: 3:20pm
Early Release Days Dismissal Time: 12:50pm
news & announcements
ELO Sail Summer School
ELO Sail Summer School will be at WMES again this summer! Registration opens March 31- see flyer below for more details!
March Parent Newsletter
- Click here to check out our March Parent Newsletter!
Congratulations to our THIRD GRADE STUDENTS for winning our first round of our "Attendance Race" at WMES!
Attendance is very important, and we work hard to celebrate our students coming to school each and every day on time and ready to learn! Our school-wide incentive attendance competition tracks the grade level that has the LEAST amount of unexcused absences each day! For our first round, third grade won! They will get to celebrate with a grade-wide pizza party! Keep working hard to make it to school each day and submit your absences HERE to get excused when you are sick!
Save the Date for our Watkins Mill Cluster Spring Event - Rock the Block!
Student Arrival & Dismissal
Students may begin entering the building at 8:40am and should be in their classrooms by 9:00am. Breakfast will be available to all students in their classrooms from 9:00am-9:15am. Classes begin at 9:15am. If your child arrives to school after 9:00, a parent must come into the office to sign them in late.
If your child must leave early for an appointment, we ask that you sign your child out prior to 3:00pm. In order to ensure a safe dismissal for all students beginning promptly at 3:15pm, students will not be called out of class after 3:00pm. Please be prepared to show identification when picking a child up early.
If for any reason your child will have a change in the way they are dismissed from school, please complete our Change In Dismissal Form and let the main office know as soon as possible.
Student Absences
If your child is absent for any reason, please complete our Student Absence Form and before 10:00am to notify us of the absence. When he or she returns to school, a note explaining the absence should be sent to his/her teacher. Late arrivals/early dismissals are processed in the office. Parents must accompany students into the office to sign in when arriving after 9:00am and/or leaving before 3:00pm.
Student absences and tardiness will be unexcused if a parent does not sign the child in late and/or send an explanation note upon the students return to school.
Parking Lot/Car Circle Safety
Please help us to keep our students safe in the parking lot and the carpool circle. When dropping off students in the car circle in front of the school, please follow the directions of the staff on duty. Please let your students out of the car from the passenger's side of your vehicle. Adults MUST remain in their vehicles in the carpool circle at all times to keep traffic moving. If you choose to drop off your student in the parking lot, cars must be parked in an empty parking space and adults are requested to walk their student to the sidewalk area. Children who walk through the parking lot alone are at risk of stepping out in front of a moving vehicle, or of not being seen by a vehicle backing out of a parking space. Families that cannot find an open parking space must exit the lot and park on the street.
PLEASE REMEMBER: Handicapped parking spaces are meant only for those vehicles who have appropriate passes. Please do not park in these spaces without a Handicap permit. Thank you for adhering to these guidelines in the interest of the safety of all of our children.
schoolcash online
Activate an account today to pay for your child(ren)’s school activity fees online! Click HERE to register.
WMES Spirt Wear!
wmes family support team
Watkins Mill way