For safety reasons, we can't admit anyone into the school without a picture ID, so always bring it with you. Thank you!
Upcoming Events:
Mar, 14 - PTA Movie Night @ 7:00 PM on the Weller Road Field
Mar. 18 - Virtual Bedtime Story @ 7:00 PM
Mar. 21 - Spring Picture Day for Individual and Classroom Photos
Mar. 27 - Little Roadrunners @ 2:30 PM
Mar. 31 - No School for Students
Mar. 31 - End of Marking Period 3
School Supply List for 2024-2025
Click on this LINK for the Weller Road ES Supply List.
Important Information:
PreK and Head Start Enrollment
How to Receive MCPS Emergency Information
Information on the Elementary Immersion Programs
Information on COSA (Change of School Assignment) - Does require a valid reason.
Parent Academy To Go Virtual Workshops