Accelerated and Enriched Instruction → Staff Resources → Classroom Strategies → Math Stations
A differentiation strategy to meet the diverse needs of mathematics students.
The Math Stations strategy is based on the work of Carol Ann Tomlinson. She differentiates between centers and stations. Centers are areas in the classroom where students refine a skill or extend a concept. Stations are different places in the classroom where students work on tasks simultaneously, and whose activities are linked.
During Math Stations students do not rotate round-robin style; instead, the teacher carefully plans which students will visit which stations, and when. In this way, the station tasks will support meeting the instructional needs of individual students.
Students receive direct instruction from the teacher. Students work at the board or in pairs on the floor or at the table on focus lessons, guided practice, or reteaching opportunities.
Students use concrete or pictorial representations to explain and defend their work. They may work individually or with a partner. When the task is completed, students may fill out "audit cards" to document their work.
Students practice with concepts on which they need additional experience. They check their work with a calculator or answer key. Students complete a self-evaluation and leave signed and dated work at the station.
Students work with math applications. Mr. Fuddle, who always seems to need help, runs the shop. Items in the shop vary from time to time, as do the tasks. Students leave notes for Mr. Fuddle explaining the problem he has and what he should do to solve it or what he should do next time to avoid the problem. The notes are left in Mr. Fuddle's mailbox.
Math Learning Stations (Power Point 157K)
Generated from the works of Carol Ann Tomlinson.
For more information contact The Division of Accelerated and Enriched Instruction.