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Division of Procurement – Contract Administration Documents


The management of contracts in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) begins with the contract administration office within the Division of Procurement. Contract Administrators assist offices with contract development to ensure the contract process complies with MCPS policies and regulations.


How to Begin the Process?

You can select the type of contract below and complete the necessary forms and information. Please make sure all forms and Word documents are e-mailed as separate attachments. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the contract administrators.


To ensure that the process moves forward efficiently, please complete all necessary forms and documents, in their entirety, as one package. Make sure all forms and Word documents are e-mailed as separate attachments. The dollar amount of the contract can impact the amount of time it takes to complete the process. Higher dollar amounts require additional internal signatures and possibly Board of Education approval. Data sharing can also extend the approval process and needs additional review.