Springbrook Hosting Forum on Mental Health, Substance Use Prevention on Feb. 24

Join the Springbrook High School community for a Family Forum on Mental Health & Substance Use Prevention from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 24. The forum is free and open to all MCPS families, staff and community members. Workshops will be held in English and Spanish.
Attendees will learn about the dangers of fentanyl, alcohol and other substances; information to keep students safe; school and community-based substance use prevention, harm reduction and treatment initiatives and what insurance is required to cover. Workshop topics will include: starting conversations on substance use; accessing treatment: resources and insurance coverage and non-opioid pain management options.
This event will also include Narcan training and distribution, and a resource fair.
RSVP here. Springbrook is located at 201 Valley Brook Drive in Silver Spring.
Springbrook Family Forum on Mental Health & Substance Use Prevention, Feb. 2024