School History


Galway was opened. GES.jpg



 Galway celebrated its 25th anniversary and an addition was built that housed the Media Center, Art Studio, Computer Lab, and 5 classrooms.   




From July 2007 to December 2008, Galway Elementary School was relocated to the Fairland Center while the school facility was modernized and renovated.  The modernized school building boasts 42 classrooms, a state-of-the-art Media Center and Computer Lab, Gymnasium, Art and Music Studios, several instructional support offices, and an on-site daycare facility.  Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard and a document camera to facilitate interactive learning.


Throughout the history of the building, the student enrollment has been as low as 185 and as high as 785.  Currently, 770 students from diverse ethnicities are enrolled at Galway Elementary School.