Northwood Class of 2025

Schedule your Senior Portrait HERE

Legacy Studios: Class of 2025 Communication        Legacy Studios: Clase de 2025 Comunicación

Class of 2025 Letter

STUDENTS: Here is the Google Form to collect your cap and gown size

Graduation Requirements

Requisitos de Graduación

Hello Gladiator Students, Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers,
We hope all is well. As a reminder, all seniors need at least 75 hours of Student Service Learning to
graduate. Your child currently does not meet this requirement. There are several opportunities either in
our community or at school to earn hours. Please have your child speak with either Mrs. Brenner or
Mrs. Kernizan about forms and activities. You can check the number of hours that your child has
served so far on ParentVue. For information, please go to:

Mrs. Julie Brenner
Mrs. Lisette Kernizan
Northwood High School SSL Coordinators