Telephone: 240-740-6948
Staff Members
Name | Position | |
Mr. Edgar Perez | Security Team Leader | |
Ms. Timethia Furr | Security Assistant | |
Mr. Nathan Grant | Security Assistant | |
Mr. Jamie Newton | Security Assistant | |
Mr. Mazin Shaikh | Security Assistant | |
Ms. Ruby Shelton | Security Assistant | |
Security Department Overview
At Northwood we believe that feeling safe and secure at school is paramount to getting an education. Combined the Northwood security team has many years of experience in policing and corrections.
Student IDs
Student IDs must be worn while on school grounds. Each student is issued an ID when he/she has his/her picture taken at the beginning of the school year. Since seniors have their pictures taken during the summer, they will be issued their IDs by security when IDs are received from the portrait studio within the first couple weeks of school.
Parking Permits
Parking permits may be purchased within the first couple weeks of each semester. A student parking permit costs $39 per semester.
All students in need of a parking permit should have their parents fill out Form 215-6 and return it to the Finance Office. Students and parents should both sign the Parking Request Form. Students who are granted parking privileges are expected to obey all parking lot regulations, which will be strictly enforced. ALL financial obligations must be satisfied prior to application submission.
Please be sure your permit is placed facing the front and is clearly visible on the rearview mirror so the sticker number can be seen through the windshield. Violations of parking regulations will result in the loss of the parking privilege. The parking lots will be monitored on a routine basis for safety, valid permits, and proper display of permits. A warning sticker will be placed on any vehicle not displaying a permit. A first offense will result in the loss of the parking privilege for two weeks and a second offense results in the loss of the parking privilege for the rest of the semester. On the third offense, the car will be towed at the owner’s expense. County police may visit the lot and issue tickets to cars without permits. According to county policy, there will be no refund of fees when a parking privilege has been revoked.
Bullying, cyberbullying, and harassment continue to be issues all schools face. Please encourage your student to speak with a staff member if this is happening to him or her. Visit the MCPS Preventing Bullying website for more information about support and resources offered by the county.
- Report Bullying with the Bullying Incidence Form.