After Prom

2015 NHS AfterProm Logo

What You Need To Know For After Prom

Information for Parents

What is After Prom?

After Prom is a PTSA sponsored event that provides a safe, fun, substance-free celebration for our Junior and Senior classes immediately following Prom. Our students have worked hard and deserve a time to celebrate. We want to provide a way for them to celebrate and still make it to the end of the school year or graduation in one piece.

Why should my student attend After Prom?

Statistics show roughly a third of alcohol-related teen traffic fatalities occur during the peak of prom season. An AAA survey of teens aged 16 to 19 found that 41% said it was likely that they or their friends would use drugs or alcohol on prom night. Despite the fact that more teens are involved in fatal traffic accidents related to alcohol during prom season, the majority of high school students don’t seem to recognize how dangerous it actually is. AAA also found 84% of teens surveyed said their friends would be more likely to get behind the wheel after drinking than to call home for a ride and another 22% said they’d ride in a car with someone who was impaired instead of calling their parents. The majority of teens who drink are downing substantially more on prom night. According to Liberty Mutual, 54% of teens who admitted to drinking during or after the prom said they consumed four or more alcoholic beverages. And last, but by no means least, students feel pressured at Prom to do what they normally might not do. Data from Mothers Against Drunk Driving and Chrysler found that nearly 75% of teens felt pressured to use alcohol while another 49% said their friends encouraged them to try drugs during prom.

Why not host my own party?

Understand your potential CRIMINAL LIABILITY under MD law. An adult who allows an underage drinker to consume, or even possess, alcohol in their home can be held criminally liable and subject to a fine of up to $2,500 for the first offense and $5,000 for the second. Add up to a year in prison if that underage drinker climbs behind the wheel and injures or kills someone. Not going to provide the alcohol yourself? The law says you’re still liable if a guest brings it in! Read the full text of MD House Bill 409, effective October 1, 2016 and dubbed Alex and Calvin's Law.  

How can I help?

  • Donate! You can donate through the PTSA website link by following the After Prom link under Donations. 
  • Volunteer! We entertain around 200 students so many adults are needed to help this event be a success. We will have a short training the week before for those new to After Prom. We strongly encourage Freshman & Sophomore parents to volunteer so that Junior & Senior parents can offer their students some independence for the night. A SignUpGenius link will be set up closer to the time and you can find the shift you’d like.

Information for Students

Can I go to After Prom if I don't go to Prom?

Yes, as long as you are a Northwood Junior or Senior.

Who can attend Northwood After Prom?

Northwood After Prom is ONLY for Northwood Seniors, Juniors and their dates. Dates must either be Northwood students OR have a Prom ticket. Prom requires a permission form to bring your date who is not a Northwood student, and that is not an option with After Prom-only tickets. You may bring your non-Northwood date ONLY IF they have a Prom ticket. That means that if you and your date who is not a Northwood student wish to go to only After Prom, you still have to buy Prom tickets. Why not take full advantage of the evening and attend both events?!

How much does After Prom cost?

TBD. Check back later for details

What do I wear?

Casual, comfortable clothes. Stay within the school dress code.

Where do I change clothes for After Prom?

You can change at After Prom.

What MUST I bring to get into After Prom?

You must show your Northwood Student ID and either your Prom ticket OR After Prom ticket

What CAN I bring into After Prom?

NOTHING except your phone, ticket and ID! After Prom is a hands-free event and you won’t be allowed to carry anything in except your phone. ALL items will be coat-checked and you can pick them up when you leave. Ladies, this includes your purses.

When does After Prom close its doors?

1 a.m. No entry after that time.

What are After Prom's hours?

After Prom will begin immediately following Prom. Our doors will open at 11:30 p.m. Doors will close and no one will be allowed to enter after 1 a.m. After Prom will be over at 4 a.m. You will become part of the cleaning crew if you are still lingering after 4 a.m. , so make sure your rides are there promptly! We will not make phone calls to parents as you leave. It is up to you to arrange for your ride ahead of time.

Can I return to After Prom after I leave the building?

No. After Prom is not a “lock-down” event and you can leave whenever you decide, but you will not be allowed back in after you leave.

Download information about After Prom.

After Prom Statistics

Prom’s over, it’s midnight, you’re just gettin’ started and

. . . you party at your friend’s

Your friend’s having some people over, so you hang until it gets dry. It’s only 2am and you’re invincible, so you hit the road for another party you heard about, but get popped at the sobriety checkpoint and the rest of your night – and your life – start looking pretty bad.

Maybe you drank water all night, but that doesn’t matter when things go BOOM, does it? The guy who came into your lane was high from his after party.

Maybe you should have gone to After Prom, but it’s a little late to make that call when you’re in jail, the hospital, or the morgue.

You’re in a survival game when you drive or ride with your buddies on one of the biggest underage drinking nights of the year.

Want to BE a boring statistic? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that around a thousand of you wonderful young people die every year celebrating high school proms and graduations. How many more go to prison because they drove and lived through it?

You have too much to live for!


. . . you party at After Prom 

You Uber to After Prom, check in and change clothes.

You’re starving because the only food at prom was a chocolate fountain, so you hit the food bar and find a smorgasbord of pizza, burritos, wings, mac ‘n’ cheese, chips and veggies (with or without humus – you really like it or you really don’t). Nobody goes hungry at AfterProm. Ever.

You drop your tickets into the bucket in front the door prize you want to win. Maybe the Beats, or the concert tickets, or the flat screen, or the dorm fridge.

Then you gear up for games, photo ops and fun.

You check the winners’ board all night to see whether you’ve won anything. Drawings for the big prizes are at the end of the night, so rest up because you’ll want to be there until the end.

By now the crazies are off the road and you have a safe trip home; tired, but alive and ready for the rest of your life.

Don't be a statistic. But here are some in case you're curious: