New and Revised Policies for 2024-25

Attendance Policy

Read the full attendance policy here including what are excused and unexcused absences and how to report absences.

Lunch Policy

Student safety is a priority and our Open Lunch Policy is a privelege for students.  Please see details about the policy online here.  Remember that the first TWO weeks of school we do NOT have open lunch, the campus is closed and everyone must stay on campus.

NEW - Personal Mobile Device (PMD) Expectations

AKA - Cellphones & Headphones

Quince Orchard High School is adopting an AWAY ALL DAY cell phone policy. Cell phones will only be allowed for use during lunch and transitions. Parents/Caregivers please ensure your students are aware of the new policy.

School Level Policy

Students may use their Cell Phone/ Personal Mobile Device (PMD):

  • Before or after the student instructional day

  • During the lunch block

  • Between instructional spaces and during transition time between instructional spaces. (Not while using a pass during instructional time)

  • Riding to or from school or school-sponsored activities on MCPS or chartered buses as long as use does not impact the safe operation of the bus and complies with MCPS regulations.

Students using a personal mobile device to access the Internet while attending an

MCPS-sponsored activity must follow the MCPS Responsible Use Guidelines.

NoteIf a student uses a PMD to access the Internet on MCPS property, but is not on the MCPS network, the student remains obligated to comply with the requirements of this regulation. MCPS monitors and reserves the right to investigate all PMDs and PMD activity on the MCPS network.

To minimize distractions and enhance the learning environment, Quince Orchard High School requires all student cell phones to be away and off their person. Teachers will determine and communicate whether cell phones will be placed in student backpacks, provided holders, boxes, or teacher provided storage at the front of the room or instructional space during class time. Any form of listening devices will be stored. This policy will enable QOHS teachers to closely monitor and better eliminate opportunities for distraction by technology in the classroom and in the halls during instructional time.

Student IDs -MUST be carried at all times

As we open our doors and welcome students back on campus for the 2024-2025 school year, we are continuing our commitment to student well-being, safety and security to ensure that our students feel welcomed, supported and safe.

To support this commitment, all students will be required to carry and show their Quince Orchard High School student ID. For the first two weeks of school, students can utilize their ID from the 2023-2024 school year. Once student pictures have been taken on September 9th and 10th, they will be required to have a 2024-2025 ID. Students will need to have their student identification every day so Quince Orchard staff can ensure only students are accessing campus during the school day.

Key Points

  • Visibility: Your ID must be worn around your neck and visible at all times. We will be providing a lanyard for all students during the first week of school.
  • Replacement: If you lose your ID or it becomes damaged, you can get a new ID from the Quince Orchard security office for $5 .

Lunch and School Events: Students must have their school ID in their possession to leave during open lunch, if permitted as an 11th or 12th grade student, AND to attend all school sponsored events (either at Quince Orchard or away)