Senior Fees

Senior Fees are $75 and it includes:

  • Senior shirt

  • Graduation gown, cap, tassel, and stole

  • Contributes towards senior ceremony graduation needs

Pay online by card or pay by cash/check on 9/12 and 9/13 during lunch from 11:15 - 12:00 in the QO main lobby. To pay online, please click here: For the base $75 Senior Fee, select Package “C”. Other packages exist if you want to add more products. At minimum, every student must buy the senior fee “cap and gown package(C)” to participate in QOHS graduation. 

If you want to discuss any fee waiver options, please contact Senior Class Sponsor Profe Skeen at and Ms. E-B at, or call the QO main office at 240-740-3600.