Spring Semester Parking

Students can park in any white-lined parking spot in the upper QO parking lot with their registered vehicle. Students without a parking permit are not permitted to park a vehicle on campus. Consequences for parking on QO property without a permit will occur, including financial fines and/or towing.

Parking permits must be displayed in the vehicle on the rear-view mirror with the number facing out. Permits are non-transferable and will be revoked if used by vehicles other than the registered student.

Permit holders are expected to follow the following regulations, which will be strictly enforced. Activities listed below are prohibited.

1. Exceeding reasonable speeds or otherwise driving recklessly.

2. Leaving school grounds without permission and not signing out/in with the attendance office.

3. Unauthorized transporting other students off school grounds during the school day.

4. Parking in spaces designated for staff, visitors, marked as reserved, or the bus lane.

5. Parking a vehicle without a current parking tag properly displayed.

6. Accessing a parked vehicle without permission from an administrator.

7. Parking in a designated handicapped parking spot without an official handicap permit.

8. Littering.

9. Parking anywhere on school grounds not designated as a student parking space.

10. Leaving school grounds and returning to campus without permission and/or transporting students back to campus during lunch (this usually applies to students with abbreviated schedules due to dual enrollment, internships, etc.)

Consequences for violation of any of the above regulations:

  • 1st violation: verbal warning, documentation of infraction, phone call to parent

  • 2nd violation: in addition to above + loss of parking privilege for two days

  • 3rd violation: in addition to above + loss of parking privilege for one week

  • 4th violation: in addition to above + loss of all parking privileges for rest of semester

  • Additional consequences may be assigned based upon MCPS Student Code of Conduct

Quince Orchard High School cannot revoke any ticket issued by the Montgomery County Police for parking or traffic violations.