Departments → Interrelated Arts

Fine Arts

Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected. - William Plomer

Resource Teacher: Ms. Amanda Wall
Department Phone: 240-740-6157


The Related Arts Team is a diverse group of educators dedicated to high levels of student achievement and promoting creative approaches to learning.  As a team we provide a wide range of options and courses of study.  We represent the curricular areas of Art, Music, Family and Consumer Science and Business Education. Though we have diverse programs of study we are unified in our dedication to creative and rigorous student learning.  We strongly value the varied and non-traditional educational settings our programs offer the students of Richard Montgomery High School.

Fine Arts Department Staff

Staff email addresses can be found in the Staff Directory.

  Amanda Wall Amanda Wall
Resource Teacher
Sidney Clarke-Lequerique

 Addison Coryell


  Kim Gould 


Mark Koons



Kylee McDaniel

Foundations of Art & Culture




Mike McDermott

 AP Art History

Foundation of Studio Art

Digital Art

  Dr. Peter Perry 
Instrumental Music 
Amy Weaver


For more information specific to the Instrumental Music Program, go to the Instrumental Music Site .

For more information specific to the Choral Program, go to the Choral Site