IB Programs Main PageMiddle Years Programme → Program Requirements


Program Requirements

All students at Richard Montgomery participate in the IB Middle Years Programme to the greatest extent allowable by their schedule requirements. The following requirements apply sto students successfully completing the MYP in 10th grade.

Personal Project  

Each student must earn a grade of at least 3 out of 7 on the MYP Personal Project. This project is begun at the end of the 9th grade year and completed in February of the 10th grade year. 

Service and Action  

Each student must engage in meaningful action and service throughout their time in the program. There are many opportunities available for action and service. For more information, check out the SSL page.  

Successfuly complete six of eight subjects of the program

While Richard Montgomery offers all eight MYP subject groups, and students may choose six subjects that they will pursue concurrently throughout the 9th and 10th grade years. Five subjects, noted by asterisks below, are required. Students must choose a minimum of one additional subject that they have taken in 9th grade and which they will continue to pursue in 10th grade. Successful completion means having earned credit in all the classes as indicated in the table below during the last two years of the program, and achieving mastery of the IB MYP objectives in each subject, as indicated by students' performance levels on the MYP rubrics.  

Please note:Many courses fulfill both the requirements of the local diploma and the completion of the MYP. For more information, please see the Counseling section of the website. Please also note that RMHS operates on an eight period day, one period of which is lunch. Students thus have an opportinuty to take classes in MYP subject areas other than the six that they have chosen to pursue concurrently.






Available Courses and Notes  

Language and Literature


English 9 & 10
Language Acquisition*


Spanish, French or Chinese, ESOL (any level) 
Mathematics *


Any level
Sciences *


Biology, Chemistry or Physics
Individuals and Societies
(Social Studies) *


US History and Government
Physical and Health Education, Design Technology or Arts


Students choose courses within these subject groups that they will pursue concurrently with other subjects.