About Our School

MCPS Info on Travilah

Our Vision:

Travilah Elementary School students, staff, parents, and community are committed to creating a 21st century educational setting that results in high academic achievement and continuous growth to prepare our students to be college and career ready for a global society.


Our Mission:

We will work to realize our vision through an emphasis on critical and creative thinking skills, high expectations, mutual respect, and open communication. The Travilah Expectations will be modeled and honored by students, staff, and the school community.

Travilah Expectations

The expectations for students are:  
My school, my family and I expect me to be the best person I can be today.  I will live these expectations by:

  • Being kind in what I say and do.
  • Being honest and making good choices.
  • Following school rules and being a good friend.
  • Taking responsibility for myself and my learning.

The expectations for staff are: 
We will support all children in meeting the student expectations.  We will consistently do this by:

  • Being kind and supportive in what we say and do.
  • Making well-informed decisions and choices that put children’s best interests first.
  • Supporting the school’s vision and mission by creating a positive learning environment that promotes high standards for all children.
  • Continuously improving our teaching skills and strategies that enable us to help students to take responsibility for themselves and their learning.

The expectations for the community are:  
We will support the students and staff in achieving the vision of the school.  We will do this by:

  • Being respectful, supportive and kind in our interactions with others.
  • Staying informed and actively involved in the decisions that affect our children.
  • Providing a learning environment in the home that enhances and supports the school’s vision and mission.
  • Encouraging and supporting our children's abilities and efforts to be responsible for themselves and their learning.

Discipline Policy

 Travilah Student Discipline Policy  

Homework Policy

 Travilah Homework Policy

Maryland School Guide

Maryland School Guide

Cluster Schools

Travilah is part of the Wootton Cluster, which includes the following schools:

Bell Times


9:05 – Outside line up begins. 

9:15 – Students enter classrooms. 

9:25 – Tardy bell rings. 

11:45 – 1:55 Lunch and Recess periods scheduled. 

3:50 – Dismissal begins


9:05 – Outside line up begins. 

9:15 – Students enter classrooms. 

9:25 – Tardy bell rings. 

11:30 – 12:40 Lunch periods scheduled. 

1:20 – Dismissal begins

National Green Ribbon School

 Green Schools Logo

All About Being a Green Ribbon School  

History of Travilah

Travilah Past and Present