
•"This newsletter was created as part of our Branches rotation that is new in fifth grade this year.  The entire fifth grade class was split up into three groups: Executives, Legislators, and Justices.  On Thursday mornings, while the other two groups were learning exciting things at Math Madness with Ms. Lee or Science Rules with Mrs. Tardif, the Justices had the opportunity to be the first group to put together this Cougar Report newsletter with me.  Inside is the compilation of 19 creative minds as we try to bring the fifth grade team both important and fun news from our surroundings.  This edition will be the first of three this year.  Look forward to seeing what the Legislators create next!"  -Ms. Betty Kim, 5th grade teacher 

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Sheila Rae the Brave retold by Jose, a 1st grader in Ms. Hagan's class.  1st graders learned how to use PhotoStory to re-tell the story of Sheila Rae the Brave, by Kevin Henkes.  He was the focus of their author study with Mrs. Eureka, our media specialist.  With PhotoStory, the first graders put the illustrations in the correct sequence of events, and then used the recording tool to narrate the events to retell the story.  Enjoy the show!
