Faculty Handbook
This page has information previously printed in the Faculty Handbook. In some cases, the information is provided via links to other sections of the WJ website.
Table of Contents
- Submitting a Daily Announcement
- Bell Schedules
- Building Access
- Classroom Maintenance
- Copying
- Copyright Law
- Computers 101
- Counseling Services
- Dept. Chair Duties
- Emergency Closings
- Field Trip Procedures
- Financial Matters
- Fire Plan
- Health Services
- Keys
- Lesson Plans
- WJ Media Center
- Sexual Harassment
- Smoking
- Standardized Tests
- Student Assistance Pgm
- WJ History
Submitting a Daily Announcement
To submit an announcement for the "Daily Line UP" you must...
Use The Daily Lineup - Announcement Submission Form
- Only teachers or staff can approve an announcement. Announcements submitted by students will NOT be aired.
- Announcement should be short. Three sentences should do for most announcements. Long announcements may be edited.
- Announcements should be submitted the day BEFORE they are to air.
- Announcements should be easily readable. The news anchors are "sight reading" announcements, they do NOT have time to practice.
- Words or names not in general use within the U.S. should PLEASE be spelled phonetically. Nothing hurts more than mispronouncing a name.
- All school paper work, like verifying room availability and fund raising permissions, should be done before submitting the announcement.
- Submit announcements early. "Walk in" announcements are not accepted for inclusion in that day's show.
- Because of time / content restrictions no videos produced outside of the TV Club will be shown without written approval from the administration.
- Outside videos must be VHS or DVD +R or -R, other formats might not be playable. Videos will NOT be converted for you.
- Ty Huber needs to check that your video plays correctly BEFORE 1st period in order for it to be used that day.
- Outside Videos will only be played after all written announcements are done.
- "The Daily Lineup" after the late bell for 2nd period is on Ch 36.
- Include dates for announcements in your submission.
Proper attire is expected of staff at all times. We are models for the students and representatives of a school that has a reputation for intense dedication and excellence. Each staff member should dress in a professional manner so as to convey to the students that we care about ourselves as we go about teaching them to care for themselves.
Building Access
Only coaches authorized by the athletic director to enter specific locations and non-coaches authorized by the business manager may have access to the school during off-hours (including weekends and holidays).
The following procedure must be used when entering the building:
- Upon entering the building, deactivate the security alarm for the area(s) being entered by putting in the code assigned and pressing the "off" switch.
- Immediately call the central security office (301-279-3232) and give them the school’s name and your name. Tell the security monitor your intended length of stay.
The following procedures must be used when exiting the building:
- Just prior to leaving, call the central security office (301-279-3232) to let the monitor know that you are about to leave.
- Make sure all areas you have entered are locked and secured and that no one else is in these areas.
- Reset the security alarm by putting in the designated security code and pressing the switch to "on."
- Immediately leave the building and make sure the area you have exited is locked.
Classroom Appearance & Maintenance
Our classrooms should reflect our passion for teaching, learning and the subject that we teach.
Bulletin boards and displays should reflect the subject and unit being taught and should be planned. They should be colorful and attractive. When teachers share classroom space, they should share bulletin board and wall areas, as well.
The classroom and student desks should be surveyed regularly by the teacher to monitor their condition.
Books and materials should be kept in an orderly and organized manner.
Appropriate lighting and ventilation should be provided.
The teacher assigned to a classroom is responsible for the condition of that room. If furniture or equipment is broken, or in the event of mechanical failure of the heating system, lights, etc., email the Building Services staff upon discovery of the problem.
WJ is a participating school in the MCPS Sert Green Schools Focus Program, promoting efficient and responsible energy use in Montgomery County Public Middle and High Schools. Please remember to turn off the lights and computers when leaving the classroom. The savings benefit to our school helps support school events, such as the Senior Citizen's Luncheon.
There are two large copiers available for staff use. One is located in the mailroom and the other copier is located on the lower level staff work area of the old media center. Please be familiar with the machines’ operating procedures before using them and treat them with kindness. Each staff member will need to key in their employee I.D. number to gain access to the copying menu.
No students may have access to the WJ copiers
MCPS Central Services provides copying through their Copy-Plus Document Preparation and Delivery Service for School Staff. Information and order forms can be found by visiting the Copy-Plus webpage.
Copyright Law - Updated March 2020
The Media Specialist is responsible for educating and informing staff and students alike about copyright issues. Copyright laws are very complex and the information about the law and its implication for teachers is often contradictory depending upon the source. The following 20-question copyright quiz is very informative and fun to take: www.copyright.gov/help/faq/
Staff should take some time to explore the following links. Teachers are legally liable for what they do instructionally, and the definition of "fair use" is not clear. Teachers should protect themselves by getting written permission for the instructional use of resources that are used from year-to-year.
MCPS Policies
EGB-RA: Using Copyrighted Materials
EGB-EA: Guidelines for Educational Copying
Note that policy EGB-EA was last updated in April 1988 and EGB-RA in May 1988. Much has changed with regard to copyright since then so the MCPS policies should be used cautiously.
Other Links
- United States Copyright Office - Library of Congress
Under "Publications" go to "Factsheets" There is a PDF/Text file there about "fair use" (FL 102). "Copyright Basics" (#1) is also a good resource. - Web Copyright Infringement Action Site from the American Library Association
- "Keeping it Legal: Questions Arising out of Web Site Management" by Jamie McKenzie has good information. Other good sources for information listed below:
- Stanford University Libraries Copyright and Fair Use
- Copyright and the Internet in Schools
- A Teacher's Guide to Fair Use and Copyright
Computers for Faculty
This section of the handbook is in the process of being updated. Information will be posted soon.
Counseling Services
Through the Counseling Services staff, students and parents are offered counseling in a variety of areas, including program planning and scheduling of classes, college selections and career information, and personal and social matters. The counselors also run a number of small and specialized tutoring and counseling programs and groups.
The Counseling Services department is responsible for research such as the follow-up on seniors; for setting up, maintaining, and interpreting student records; and for referring students and parents to school, community, or county services when needed.
The department has an "open door" policy. Students may schedule appointments with counselors simply by visiting the Counseling Services office and making an appointment with the secretary. Students with emergency situations will be seen immediately.
Staff members may refer students to the counselor at any time. Click here for the current list of counselor assignments
Resource Teacher Duties
Names of current chairs/resource teachers
can be found in the WJ Staff Directory
Department chairs and resources teachers
have the following minimum responsibilities:
- Serve as resource person and consultant to teachers in their department.
- Provide leadership designed to improve instruction and student achievement at department meetings:
- problems common to teachers in the department
- ways to improve planning for classroom teachers
- ways to improve teaching methods and learning activities in the department
- provide for effective interdepartmental coordination and cooperation
- ways to improve evaluation techniques and procedures within the department
- Assume responsibility for developing an effective plan of textbook distribution, utilization and accounting.
- Make reports and recommendations to the administration.
- Represent the department at professional meetings both within and outside the school.
- Serve as a member of the Instructional Council.
- Serve as liaison within and between departments and with feeder schools.
- Coordinate requests for textbooks and instructional materials and prepare budget needs of the department.
- Analyze achievement data.
Note: Resource teachers do formal classroom observations for and participate in the evaluation of teachers.
Emergency Closings
Staff members are permitted to leave after all students have departed whenever an early closing has been announced, providing all professional duties have been completed.
The MCPS School Delays, Cancellations and Closings web page has additional information about emergency closings.
School staff are required to work on delayed opening days. Staff may report to work 2 hours late on those days.
Purchase orders are only used if the vendor is not on the MCPS online system.
Financial Matters
Printer-friendly version of this information
This was written by the financial assistant and business manager to assist staff members in understanding the MCPS policies and procedures as they relate to the administration of the Independent Activity Funds at Walter Johnson.
According to the MCPS Manual of Policies and Procedures for Administering Independent Activity Funds, the purpose of the Independent Activity Funds are two-fold:
- To promote the general welfare, education, and morale of the students
- To finance the recognized extracurricular activities of the student body
All account teachers/sponsors/coaches (t/s/c) are to maintain accurate, up-to-date detailed records of receipts, disbursements and corresponding account information. Account t/s/c must submit their account ledgers and all records as part of the end of year clearance procedure. They also have the responsibility, as good stewards of the IAF account, to ensure expenditures do not exceed the current account balance. Staff members are not permitted by MCPS regulations to use school related funds for their personal use nor mix their personal funds and school related funds together nor are they to purchase staff gifts or support staff social events.
All account t/s/cs will receive a monthly computer printout of all account transactions. Account sponsors should verify this report. If there are any discrepancies, the account sponsor should set up an appointment with the financial assistant to review the account immediately. T/s/cs must keep all copies of deposits, check requests, and transfers in case there is a discrepancy in the account statement.
If the account printout is correct, the account t/s/c should sign and date it, and then return it to the financial assistant within five business days. A signed copy must be returned to the financial assistant, without exception. Account sponsors who fail to return the signed account reconciliation printout will have a "hold" placed on the account's activity, i.e.; check requests, fundraiser authorization.
Before a fundraiser is approved, students must meet with the business manager. A separate fundraiser account will be established to maintain records of all deposits and disbursements associated with an administratively-approved fundraiser. Staff members are required to complete WJ Student Fund Raiser Request Form prior to the fundraising activities. A detailed budget must be filed out on the front side of the form. All contracts must be signed by the principal, Dr. Garran. Accounts will not be opened or deposits accepted unless the forms have been approved. Staff should turn in money to the school bank on a daily basis. Staff members must be present at the sales table. All monies must be turned in and may not be used for cash reimbursements, tips, or other unauthorized purposes.
After all necessary payments have been made in connection with the fundraiser, any profit from the fundraiser will be transferred into the sponsoring activity account. Account t/s/c are not permitted to use these monies other than related to the original intended purpose. Within 30 days of the completion of the fundraiser, the sponsor should resubmit the Student Fundraiser Request Form with the reverse side completed. In the case of sales with inventories (ex. T-shirts), the attached MCPS Form 281-22, Physical Inventory of Salable School Merchandise, must be completed by the sponsor and submitted to the school bank. It will later be included in WJ's year-end audit report. Account t/s/c must account for all items which have been for sale and indicate those that have been sold at reduced prices or given away. Because a fundraiser earned a profit does not necessarily indicate that an activity was successful or that it was managed effectively. Actual results should be in line with expected profit. If not, the reasons for a profit shortfall should be noted in the comment section of the report. All fundraiser accounts are closed at the end of the school year.
No bake sales are allowed during lunch but may be held after school. All cafes must have food prepared by a caterer or restaurant.
No fundraisers should be held after May 15.
All merchandise should be inspected and counted upon receipt, and locked securely with restricted access to prevent loss. Account t/s/c should keep records of merchandise distributed to sellers and receipts turned in. All dispositions of unsold merchandise, whether returned to the vendor for credit, donated, or otherwise lost should be noted. This data will be needed to determine if the activity resulted in a profit or loss and documented on the MCPS Form 281-22, Physical Inventory of Salable School Merchandise.
Obligations are items owed by the students to the school; they may be books which have not been returned, replacement costs that have not been paid, or other things such as parking tickets, unreturned sports uniforms or senior dues. Student obligations DO NOT include Media Center fines which are managed and collected in the Media Center. During the summer, media center fines and overdue books become obligations. Staff members must submit obligatons in a timely fashion. Obligations for the first semester will be accepted until January 20th and obligations for second semester will be accepted until June 13.
Report cards are withheld and a letter listing obligation(s) owed is given to each student in lieu of his/her report card each grading period.
To clear an obligation, the student should bring the item or payment to the school bank either before school, from 7:30 to 7:45 a.m., at lunch, or after school until 3:00 p.m. Students should clear obligations as soon as possible.
All senior obligations, including senior dues and Media Center fines and materials must be paid before graduation rehearsal. Only seniors who have cleared all obligations will receive their prom tickets, graduation cap/gown and graduation tickets.
Lists of students who owe obligations are posted at the school bank by student ID number. For your convenience, you may also visit the obligations webpage for the anonymous lists (by student ID #) of students who currently have outstanding obligations with the school.
Check requests are available in the bank and the main office. No check will be issued without a completed check request and original supporting receipts and/or documentation. Allow three working days for checks to be processed. Purchases made by credit cards will be reimbursed provided a detailed receipt listing items purchased is supplied. Requests for reimbursement for first semester purchases are due to the school bank by March 1; those for second semester are due by June 10.
Use the MCPS online system if you are purchasing warehouse or Boise supplies, or items on the bid list. Plan ahead;
Do not phone in orders.
Prior to making a purchase over $200.00, the staff member must complete the Authorization to Make a Purchase Over $200 (yellow form). Any purchases over the $200.00 amount must be approved in advance by the business manger and an administrator. The yellow form is available in the main office or at the school bank
Staff members are reminded that when requesting payment for a purchase, sales tax is not reimbursable due to MCPS tax exempt status. The financial assistant can provide account t/s/c with a copy of the MCPS tax exempt certificate so that sales tax will not be included in the purchase price. When refunding money to students, please make the check request payable to the parent or guardian and include home address.
All monies collected by account sponsors must be turned in daily to the school bank. Staff members, not students, should be making deposits. Each check deposited must have the appropriate account number and student name or ID # noted under the memo section. Each deposit or transaction requires a completed WJ Deposit Slip.
Under no circumstance are account t/s/c or students to keep money in classrooms/lockers, take money home, or place cash in a staff members mailbox. This will help avoid the risk of loss or theft. Do not accumulate funds. Deposit daily!! Money should be sorted and wrapped before depositing. Once the monies have been deposited, the financial assistant will give account sponsors a pre-numbered receipt. Retain the receipt for use in reconciling the monthly account statement received from the financial assistant. The school is not responsible for money lost or stolen. Monies collected in the evening or weekend should be secured by placing the deposit in the drop slot of the school bank. Monies placed in the drop slot must be in the WJ Deposit Envelope, identified with the name of the activity, account number and staff members name.
When any check is returned by the bank due to insufficient funds, the amount of the check plus a bank processing fee of $20.00 will be deducted from the t/s/cs IAF account to cover the charge. Account t/s/cs are responsible for collecting the monies.
We provide textbooks to meet the needs of the students in accomplishing a given assignment, project, or unit of study. Textbooks used by students in all subject areas should be appropriate in terms of readability and intellectual maturity and must be on the approved list by MCPS.
See the resource teacher or department chair for proper procedures to follow relating to ordering, textbook issuance to teaches, departmental inventory and textbook return.
All ticket sales require the completion of the Tickets and Cash Report of Admissions Manager (MCPS Form 280-50). This form is initiated by the business manager. If you need tickets for an event, you must contact the business manager at least one week in advance with details of the event. Tickets are sold by staff or sponsors, not students. After the event, the completed form is to be given to the business manager along with the unsold tickets. If "start up" cash is needed before the sale of tickets begins, the account sponsor must complete a check request for the amount of money needed for change. This cash should be turned in with the rest of the funds for deposit after the ticket sale has ended.
Fire Plan
WJ annually updates it's fire emergency plan.
Health Services
Health Services is located near the main hallway across from the Career Center and has cots and medical supplies for students who become ill or are in need of first aid treatment during school hours. Students sent to Health Services must have a pass, unless the emergency nature of their illness prevents them from obtaining a pass.
Health Services is not intended as an infirmary or as a place where students may recuperate or recline for the entire day. A student who requests bed rest for an extended period of time is too ill to be in school and should be under parental care at home. This decision is made by the nurse or health tech.
When a student is ill, he/she should be sent to Health Services, accompanied by another student if extremely ill. Health personnel record the name of the student, type of illness, time the student reported, action taken, time sent home or back to class, and with whom the student is sent home. If a student faints in class or anywhere else in the school, do not move the student, but send for health personnel. A student is not to spend time in the lavatory if he/she feels ill, but is to report to Health Services.
Health personnel notify the parents if it is necessary for a student to go home. The student's early departure is noted through the attendance office.
In the event Health Services is closed, students who are ill should be sent to the main office and attempts made to locate health personnel. At no time should a student be turned away from the main office when health personnel are not available or allowed to stay in the main office for an extended period of time without locating health personnel.
By state law, no medication is given, unless the student supplies the prescription along with doctor's orders for its administration.
Additional information can be found in the MCPS Regulation: Administration of Medication to Students. Students who require the administration of medication while at school must complete MCPS Form 525-13: Authorization to Administer Prescribed Medication
Keys are issued by Kathy Cosgrove, WJ School Business Administrator, from the business suite in the main office. Keys are not to be duplicated, shared with students or any other unauthorized person, given to substitutes, or left unattended. Keys must be returned when you transfer.
Lesson Plans
All teachers are expected to keep up-to-date lesson plans which outline objectives and classroom activities.
When a teacher is absent, except in an emergency situation, he/she is expected to prepare and leave a detailed lesson plan for the substitute. When a teacher is out, lesson plans should be designed to keep students engaged and working.
Media Center
The Media Center is an integral part of the total instructional program. It is organized and administered to provide comprehensive services and materials to students and faculty. It functions as a teaching resource as well as a coordinator or services and materials.
One of the goals of the Media Center is to facilitate and support the learning process by providing opportunities and encouragement to students in the acquisition of knowledge and the exploration of ideas. Another is to support the teaching staff in their implementation of curricular objectives by providing materials and research services pertinent to the curriculum.
The instructional portion of the program is designed to develop independent learners by teaching students basic skills to access print and non-print information. Practical application is experienced when students are assigned research work.
The following objectives are designed to implement the Media Center program:
- To acquire media materials that supports the demands of the curriculum and the interests of the students.
- To organize such materials for effective use by all Media Center patrons.
- To guide students in the selection of materials.
- To equip students with research skills required to locate and select appropriate print and non-print materials.
- To schedule the use of the Media Center’s collection, services and staff time for maximum benefit to the instructional program.
- To work cooperatively and constructively with students and staff.
- To help students develop a love for learning.
Hours and Telephone Numbers
Hours: Monday - Thursday: 6:45 am - 3:30 pm; Friday: 6:45 – 2:30
Media Center Phone: 240-740-6845
Media Services Technician: 240-740-6874
Guidelines for Staff When Planning a Unit That Requires Use of the Media Center
Effective use of the Media Center resources is best accomplished through joint planning between the media specialist and the classroom teacher. When reserving time for classes, teachers are requested to do the following:
- Complete the Planning/Instruction Sheet, found in the front of the media specialist’s office, listing your objectives and indicating the services you and your students require.
- Reserve time in the Media Center with the media specialist. The time(s) will be recorded together in the reservation book.
- Arrange for a planning session with the media specialist. The class/media assignment will be reviewed and a strategy designed to maximize successful use of the Media Center resources. Teachers also need to familiarize themselves with the technology that will be used by the students. Teachers who want to have a pathfinder posted on the web page need to meet with the media specialist two weeks prior to the desired date.
Guidelines for Teacher Use of the Media Center
No more than five students per teacher per period may be sent to the Media Center without prior approval from the media specialist. The student must have passes issued by the teacher. The teacher should indicate the purpose of the visit.
Remember that substitute teachers should not be given a lesson plan that involves the Media Center. Students not participating in field trips will not be admitted to the Media Center. Teachers need to arrange for departmental coverage for those students.
Computer Lab and Conference Room Sign Up Books
To sign up to use the Media Center Conference Room please email Naomi_R_Gelfand@mcpsmd.org.
Videotape Usage/Copyright
Teachers may not record material off-air and use it in the classroom. Copyright law allows home use only, not school use (see MCPS regulation EGB-RA: "Obtaining a Copyright and Using Copyrighted Materials").
Given a week's notice, TV Services will tape a television program for you and send it to you for a 10-day period. It will then be returned to the Film Library and erased. If you wish to purchase a videotape for the school, you must complete an evaluation form for it (see the media specialist for details). Be sure to check the copyright notice of each program as allowed usage varies.
Smoking is not permitted in the school or on school grounds.
Standardized Tests
Assistant Principal Gail Samuels is the Testing Coordinator for WJ. During the academic year a variety of tests are administered at the school.