Digital Citizenship Lessons



Kids today may seem like experts at using technology, but the digital world requires all kinds of skills and habits that kids don’t just pick up as they go. Digital citizenship helps them learn those skills. The Common Sense lessons help kids in grades K–2 develop healthy media habits and learn how to be safe online. Lessons for kids in grades 3–5 continue to focus on screen time and online safety. Older kids also learn about how to recognize cyberbullying, what is and isn’t OK to share online, and how to find credible news and information.



Common Sense Education provides resources to help you support your kid’s learning. As we teach these lessons in class, you can refer to these SEL Conservation Packets (k-2 and 3-5) to help continue the learning at home. You can visit the Common Sense website at for more. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Park  if you have any questions. Working together with Common Sense Education, we can prepare today’s kids to think critically and use tech in positive, creative, and powerful ways. 


Please consider filling out the Digital Lives Survey so Mrs. Park can plan her lessons around the needs of our community.