Counseling Services
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- How does a student get to see his/her school counselor?
- What help is available to help students pay for college?
- How does a student make a schedule change?
- What can a student do if he or she is not doing well in a class?
- How can parents monitor a student's progress?
- How do students register for summer school?
- Can one lose credit for a course?
- What are things students should be doing each year to be ready for graduation?
- What are the sports and extra-curricular activities eligibility requirements?
- Can a student receive high school credit for courses taken in middle school?
- What is the Student Service Learning (SSL) Requirement?
- How is grade point average computed?
- How does a student obtain Age of Majority?
- How many Advanced Placement classes should a student take?
- How can a student earn a Certificate of Merit?
- How can a student obtain a work permit?
- If a student fails courses for the year, is he or she retained?
For other questions, contact the Counseling Office staff.
How does a student get to see his/her school counselor?
Students can come to the counseling office to see their counselors on a walk-in basis during lunch. They can make appointments to see their counselors during the school day by completing appointment cards in the counseling office.
What help is available to help students pay for college?
Information on sources of financial aid and scholarship information are available in the College/Career Center. The school counselors and the College/Career Coordinator, are available to assist students in the search for financial aid.
How does a student make a schedule change?
Each winter students have the opportunity to select their classes for the following year. Students and counselors meet to discuss course selections. Students are encouraged to maintain their classes; students may make changes through the summer on a space-available basis. After school begins, there will be no course selection changes except for those instances when a student:
- Failed a prerequisite course and cannot continue in that course;
- Attended summer school and can advance in sequence;
- Registered for the wrong level, i.e. should be in French III and is incorrectly scheduled in French I;
What can a student do if he or she is not doing well in a class?
Teachers are available during lunch and after school to help students. Students are asked to let teachers know they would like to meet with them, and they can schedule an agreed upon time. In addition, each academic department has lunch time help available. Peer tutors are also available through the National Honor Society.
How can parents monitor a student's progress?
Currently, students and parents can access the students' grades through myMCPS Portal. Each student has a password. The school and MCPS Calendar lists the end of the marking period, distribution of interim reports, and distribution of report cards. Wootton Calendar
The purpose of the interim/ progress report is to inform parents about their child's academic progress in each subject area. The interims/progress reports are mailed out to all students at the midpoint of each of the four marking periods. As always, parents are encouraged to contact teachers with questions and concerns regarding their child's performance.
Teachers are available via e-mail. Teachers' e-mail addresses are available in the student handbook. They can also be found at on our website.
Counselors are also available by phone or e-mail. Contact your child's counselor to discuss your concerns.
How do students register for summer school?
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) offers high school courses at six schools. The MCPS extended hours web site describes courses available, registration processes, and other information at:
Summer school schedules are available in the Counseling Department, usually in May. Registration occurs through June, and summer school begins in late June/early July. Students may take two semesters of summer school earning a maximum of one credit. Courses failed during the year may need to be repeated in summer school. Students should consult with their counselor about course selection.
Many students take summer school to fulfill prerequisites or to allow them the opportunity to explore electives during the regular school year. Again, these options should be discussed with a counselor prior to registration.
WHS often offers Health Education for one semester during the summer.
Can one lose credit for a course?
Three (3) un-excused tardies to class equal one (1) un-excused absence. Upon the third un-excused absence, an Loss of Credit (LC) warning form is prepared by the teacher, forwarded to the appropriate administrator then mailed home. Upon the fifth un-excused absence, the teacher prepares the final LC form, gives it to the appropriate administrator who notifies the parent/ gardian of the loss of credit. The report card will show "E2" for the grade and be calculated in students' GPA. The student MUST STILL ATTEND CLASS!
MCPS has an issue booklet titled, "Student Rights and Responsibilities". It can be read at: When you click on the link to the left, a second browser window will be opened up. Close that window when you are done to return to the B-CC site.
The current MCPS policy and practice can be found at: Grading and Reporting, Current Policy and Regulation: When you click on the link to the left, a second browser window will be opened up. Close that window when you are done to return to the B-CC site.
What are things students should be doing each year to be ready for graduation?
9th and 10th Grades
Students should not necessarily be taking the most rigorous courses available. Complete a self awareness of your interests and study skills to help you to choose the most appropriate level of courses. Ultimately, a students' schedule should be challenging but not overwhelming.
11th Grade
Continue taking a challenging and interesting courseload. In October, take the PSAT. In May or June, take the SAT's or the ACT’s In the spring, meet with your counselor to discuss post-graduation plans. Do a college search using Naviance in the Career Center . Visit colleges during your vacations.
12th Grade
Maintain and if possible enhance your good record. Wootton sends senior grades and attendance to all colleges to which students apply. Colleges have been known to rescind acceptances, so it is important to keep your grades high. Graduate with honors, you deserve it!
What are the sports and extra-curricular activities eligibility requirements?
A student must meet eligibility standards in order to participate in MCPS sponsored extracurricular activities which include: school athletic teams after school intramural activities, extracurricular clubs, and school sponsored after-school dances
A brief summary of the policy says:
The policy requires students to maintain a 2.0 average with no more than one "E" (failure) in the previous marking period to be eligible to participate in the listed activities. A student's report card will state whether they are eligible or ineligible for extracurricular activities.
If a student becomes ineligible, the student will be encouraged to attend an academic support program. The student may appeal at report card time to the activity sponsor to show that they are now meeting eligibility standards. The procedure is as follows:
- Student obtains an Eligibility Petition Form from the activity sponsor.
- Student obtains their current grades from all of their teachers that is signed and dated. The grades must demonstrate that the student is now eligible.
- Student turns in the completed form to the activity sponsor.
- The final decision regarding the student's petition will made by the principal.
- A student who receives an incorrect grade must see the teacher, the counselor and/ or the appropriate Assistant Principal.
See MCPS Regulation IQD-RA: Academic Eligibility for High School Students Who Participate in Extracurricular Activities),
The Montgomery County Board of Education is continuing the extracurricular activity (ECA) fee that you may be required to pay for high school students for the school year 2008-2009. The MCPS Extracurricular Activity Remittance Form can be downloaded and printed from: Fees can also be paid online at
Can a student receive high school credit for courses taken in middle school?
Students taking high school courses in middle school are required by State of Maryland regulations (COMAS 13A.03.02.05) to pass the course and the final examination at the end of the second semester in order to earn credit towards high school graduation. In additional, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Regulation ISB-RA, High School Graduation Requirements, states (II .A) that original credit may be received for foreign language and mathematics courses taken in middle school if the student successfully completes the course and passes the examination at the end of the second semester. Currently, MCPS, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra 2 and foreign languages levels 1-3 are the high school courses offered in middle school.
What is the Student Service Learning Requirement?
Maryland State Department of Education graduation requirements contain a student service learning (SSL) component. MCPS students are required to complete a minimum of 60 SSL hours. Middle school students complete 30 SSL hours through the infusion of service learning experiences in the middle school curriculum. The remaining 30 hours may be earned in middle or high school.
New students enrolling in MCPS as second semester juniors are required to accumulate 15 SSL hours; those enrolling anytime during the senior year are required to complete 10 SSL hours.
All documented SSL hours from any school system will be accepted toward the MCPS graduation requirement.
Students who earn 260 or more SSL hours are eligible to receive a Certificate of Meritorious Service.
More SSL Information and Forms
How is grade point average computed?
All semester grades (A-E) appear on the report card and on the permanent record card and are used in determining grade point average (GPA) and weighted grade point average (WGPA) in accordance with the procedures set forth in MCPS Regulation IKC-RA, which can be read/downloaded from, Grade Point Averages and Weighted Grade Point Averages. An additional quality point is added to grades of "A" and "B" in all honors courses and to a grade of "C" in advanced placement and advanced level courses to determine WGPA. MCPS does not rank students.
How does a student obtain Age of Majority?
Age of Majority can be requested occurs whenever a student has attained 18 years of age or is married; the permission or consent required of and the rights accorded to the parents of the student shall thereafter be required of and accorded to the student.
Students desiring Age of Majority should write a letter to their principal and copy their counselor.
How many Advanced Placement classes should a student take?
Students should consider the increased time needed to successfully handle the rigor of AP courses, and not select more AP courses than they can realistically handle. AP courses are college level courses. AP Exams are given during the second week of May. Exams cost about $80. Fee waivers and other assistance are available at WHS if families experience hardship in paying for these exams. Students who score well on the exams may be able to earn college credit for AP courses.
See When you click on the link to the left, a second browser window will be opened up. Close that window when you are done to return to the B-CC site.
How does a student earn a Certifcate of Merit?
A Certificate of Merit is earned with a grade point average of 3.0 or above and 12 credits earned in advanced placement courses.
How can a student obtain a work permit?
- The minor applies for a permit online and prints permit.
- The minor signs the permit.
- The minor's parent or guardian signs the permit.
- The employer signs the permit.
If a student fails courses for the year, is he or she retained?
Students are promoted to the next grade based on the total number of credits earned.
- To be promoted to 10th grade, students must have 5 credits.
- To be promoted to 11th grade, students must have 10 credits.
- To be promoted to 12th grade, students must have 15 credits.