We Shine at Ashburton!

 Ashburton Elementary School  

Dear Ashburton Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year at Ashburton Elementary. This letter has a great deal of pertinent information about the start of school so please read it thoroughly. There are some pages you will want to keep. We would like to extend a special welcome to all of the new families who are joining our wonderful community. You will find that Ashburton is an excellent school with a dedicated staff, an involved community, a supportive PTA, and students who exhibit Top Quality characteristics in both academics and behavior. Our students come from all over the world and bring a rich diversity with them. Wehope that each of you will become involved as much as you can in your child’s school.

Welcome to Our New Administrators!

First, we would like to introduce you to our new administrative team members, Ms. Holly Hill, Principal Intern, and Ms. Angela Castillo, ASA (Assistant School Administrator). We look forward to learning from them this year and I know that they will make a big and positive impact on our community!

Ms. Hill comes to us from S. Christa McAuliffe Elementary School, where she was the assistant principal. In her career, Ms. Hill has been an Instructional Specialist for Title 1 Programs, a math content coach, taught kindergarten, grades 3 and 4 and conversational Spanish in high school. A principal intern is a little different from an assistant principal, in that Ms. Hill is in training to become a principal this year. She will work closely with Mr. Mullenholz on planning, working with staff, students and parents and management of the school. Ms. Hill will take over Ashburton in the role of the principal for the seven weeks following winter break while Mr. Mullenholz will be assigned to another school to support a different intern during their takeover. Mr. Mullenholz will return after the seven weeks have concluded and assume the duties of principal at Ashburton once again! As we near this transition, more information will be provided to the community.

In addition to a principal intern, Ashburton also welcomes our new Assistant School Administrator (ASA), Ms. Angela Castillo! Ms. Angela Castillo most recently was the ASA at Wilson Wims where she served for two years. Wilson Wims used to be the largest elementary school in MCPS, so Ms. Castillo is familiar with running a big school like Ashburton! Ms. Castillo started her career in MCPS as a paraeducator in 2000 and then taught middle school English, and grades 3, 4, and 5. Ms. Castillo will be an integral part of the administrative team in working with staff, students and parents.

(See full Parent Letter below)




Greg Mullenholz                  Holly Hill                     Angela Castillo                         
Principal                               Principal Intern            ASA           

While you are here:

Ashburton Elementary School Future Addition

Thank you to all of those who attended and gave feedback on the proposed design for the permanent and modular addition structures in the first session. For further information and to see the presentation given in the first work session, visit the link here: https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/facilities/construction/project/ashburton.aspx 

If you have any questions regarding this process please contact Ken Futch, Project Manager at 240-314-1000 or email him at kenneth_r_futch@mcpsmd.org.