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Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) actively garners grant funding to support projects that address critical unmet needs, supplement existing programs, explore new ideas, and/or implement model programs. Grants also serve as catalysts toward building partnerships between schools and communities that will improve the quality of education and supports academic achievement for all.

The Division of Management and Budget, within the Office of Finance, provides technical assistance to MCPS personnel seeking grant opportunities in the form of:

  • Reviewing grant opportunities for compliance with MCPS policies, procedures, and regulations.
  • Reviewing MCPS grant proposals prior to submittal to the grantor for quality and compliance with grantor intentions and preferences
  • Providing assistance with budget development, implementation, and monitoring as it relates to the identified grant activities.

Common Questions

Information for MCPS Employees

School based employees looking to apply for a grant opportunity must complete MCPS form 280-60, Authorization for School Grant Application and submit the form to the Division of Management and Budget at least two weeks prior to the due date of the grant application.

Grant opportunities for schools fall  within one of the following three categories:

Independent Activities Fund (IAF) or Small Grant
    • Grant award is less than $20,000
    • Does not require restricted annual financial reporting
    • Does not require cash, or in-kind match, nor commitment of  MCPS resources
    • Cannot be used to employ personnel, other than substitutes in the schools during the regular school day
Supported Project or Central Office Grant
  • Grant does not meet the requirements of an IAF/small grant, and must be managed at the central office level
MCPS Educational Foundation Inc. (EFI) Grant
  • Grant has a specific tax status eligibility requirement, such as 501(c)(3). This type of grant may be subject to an administrative fee

Authorization to apply for a grant opportunity must be given by the principal, Division of Management and Budget, and the Office of School Support and Well-Being.

Central office employees looking to apply for a grant opportunity must be given approval by their associate superintendent or deputy, and should contact their budget specialist within the Division of Management and Budget to confirm eligibility to apply for the grant and next steps.

Grant opportunities for central office fall within one of the following two categories:

Supported Project or Central Office Grant
  • Grant does not meet the requirements of an IAF/small grant, and must be managed at the central office level
MCPS Educational Foundation Inc. (EFI) Grant
  • Grant has a specific tax status eligibility requirement, such as 501(c)(3). This type of grant may be subject to an administrative fee

Grant Management

Upon receipt of a grant award, MCPS has the obligation to successfully manage the grant activities and funding in accordance with MCPS policies, procedures, and regulations, and secondarily specific criteria set out by the grantor for the grant awarded. Successful management must be maintained throughout the entirety of the grant period in order to achieve the project goals and to ensure future funding of the grant opportunity, if available, and other grant opportunities as they arise.

For each grant opportunity, a grant manager should be identified, and only a full-time MCPS employee can be the official manager of a grant. All MCPS grant managers are assisted by fiscal agent within the school/department, and the staff within the Division of Management and Budget.

Please contact the Division of Management and Budget if you need assistance with understanding specific grant guidelines, or if you have questions about grant management.

Additional information relating to obtaining and managing grants can be found in official regulations and policies of MCPS.

Contact Us

Office of Finance (OOF), Division of Management and Budget:
Phone: 240-740-3150

Carver Educational Services Center (CESC)
850 Hungerford Drive, Room 170
Rockville, MD 20850